7 Causes of Job Search Depression and How to Prevent It

When that call or email finally comes, though, and you schedule an interview with a prospective employer, your brain triggers the release of endorphins. Your self-esteem soars, and suddenly, your upbeat mindset is back —until you get a rejection email or letter informing you that you weren’t chosen for the position. With these highs and lows, hopes and disappointments, the job search becomes an emotional roller coaster. Now that you know what job search depression is, its causes, and more, it is time to learn strategies to recover from job search burnout. Unfortunately, job searches can be grueling—even without the added challenge of dealing with depression.

  • 5) Feeling of insignificance stemming from a lack of replies to your many cover letters and resumes sent out.
  • Unemployment can be a time to reassess where you want to be and what work will be the most rewarding for you moving forward.
  • A survey by the Pew Research Center found that about half of US adults who are looking for a job are pessimistic about their prospects for future employment.
  • If you’re noticing a link between depressive symptoms and your workplace, don’t wait to seek help.

There is no concrete end date they can look towards since it’s never known when anyone’s job search will actually come to an end. Because of this level of uncertainty, an individual can start to feel depressed, as though they will never get past this stage in their life. Job search depression affects an individual’s emotional well-being and can hamper the job search process. Prolonged depression may decrease motivation, impair concentration, and exacerbate feelings of insecurity, reducing the likelihood of securing employment and creating a vicious cycle.

How to cope with job loss

Along with focusing on your ultimate goal for a job search, you can set some immediately attainable goals. Although these tasks may seem small, achieving these tasks gives you motivation and confidence to stay consistent. Even if you are optimistic, losing a job can be stressful, and it becomes stressful when it takes longer to find a new job than expected. Mahevash Shaikh is a millennial blogger, author, and poet who writes about mental health, culture, and society. If you’ve been dealing with depression for a while, you likely know by now what helps you to get through your hardest episodes. Sometimes a change in assignment or location within an office or organization can help reduce symptoms.

Job search depression: What it entails and how to get through it – Ladders

Job search depression: What it entails and how to get through it.

Posted: Thu, 29 Nov 2018 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Establishing a routine can help to keep you motivated when you’re also combating depression. It convinces you that you have no skills, no discernable talents, and no worthwhile contributions to make to the world. Of course those feelings would have the ability to hinder your job search. But being out of work can also increase a person’s overall risk of depression, according to research published in the Journal of Affective Disorders. The endorphins released during exercise help to relieve stress and pump up a person’s mood.

Coping With Anxiety Through Journaling

Read on to find out why work might be triggering depressive symptoms, how to identify the signs, where to get help, and what you can do to start feeling better. Making yourself a daily schedule (and sticking to it) will help you feel more competent and in control. When you start each day with a plan and a to-do list, knocking off a few tasks—like sending a thank-you email after an interview or researching some promising job leads—can give you a sense of accomplishment.

A 2019 review found that shift workers, especially females, were at an increased risk for poor mental health — specifically symptoms of depression. They recommend various coping mechanisms, like setting realistic goals, practicing self-care, and engaging in regular physical activity. They also stress the importance of reaching out to professional mental health services when feelings of depression persist or intensify.

Focusing on what you can control

If you’re searching for a new job, try to structure a plan and a routine for every day, using a calendar for specific tasks. This may help you diminish the shock that comes with a drastic change of routine. Eventually, if enough time passes, you might develop a defeatist outlook, which https://remotemode.net/blog/job-search-depression-exists-and-it-has-to-be-addressed/ can then be accompanied by signs of anxiety or depression. Loss of purpose is just one factor linked to symptoms of depression in general, according to one study. The FHE Health team is committed to providing accurate information that adheres to the highest standards of writing.

I’m not saying this to discourage you; it’s simply a reminder that you are competition with many people, and rejection will be part of the game. After a while, it’s common to start feeling bad about yourself, but you must stay positive. Recognizing the signs of job search depression and addressing it are critical for your mental and emotional well-being.

Tips to Deal with Job Search Depression

This cohort study followed the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) reporting guideline. The previous articles in this series have talked about causes and signs for depression. https://remotemode.net/ Keep yourself occupied with something or the other to avoid disturbing intrusive thoughts. It doesn’t have to be something productive, the idea is to be busy so that your mind doesn’t go to dark places.

  • For instance, consider Emily, a seasoned software engineer, laid off due to budget cuts.
  • 53% say they’ve felt like they lost a piece of their identity during the job hunt process.
  • Many people find a lowered reading after only a 10-minute exercise.
  • People who remain unemployed for long periods tend to spend less time with their friends and family, according to a 2014 Gallup survey.
  • They are looking for someone likable and who comes across as a winner.
  • Adrian Lindblad, a recent graduate, describes the job search process as “demoralizing”, stating that the frequent rejection makes him feel like, “there is something fundamentally wrong with me”.

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